South West Ontario Winter Lacrosse League

Semi Finals - 2025

It seems that the boys were all riled up for a potential ticket to the Snell cup, as we broke the SWOLL all time record for penalty minutes.

GAME 1 - 1st POLARS vs 4th FALCONS

The Falcons came out strong, killing off the first of 2 Polar Powers which they got for first place in the regular season. They followed that up by scoring the first 2 goals of the game to get the bench hyped up. But there was a lot of game left on the clock. The Polars swatted back potting 2 of their own. This one was back and forth all night, seeing multiple ties and defensive battles.

However in the third period, the Polars pulled away and thwarted the Falcon offence with another strong performance by Polar goaltender Aidan Kelly. Polars take the win! 8-5 final and secure their ticket to the Snell Cup game this Saturday while the falcons will be playing for yet another MegaBowl.

GAME 2 - 2nd WOLVES vs 3rd MUSKIES

The bad blood from last week spilled over into this one! It was chippy from the jump with no love lost between these 2 teams. The pace of the game started slowly which worked right into the Wolf favour. They potted a few early and started to stretch their lead. The Muskies started to spiral, as frustration started to boil, amounting to more Wolf power plays and an even bigger lead.

After some shinnanegans... leading to a Muskie ejection, the fish pulled up their fins and got to work to chip away at the Wolf lead in the third period, getting the score to within 3 but ultimitely ran out of time.

Wolves head to the Sneller. Muskies to the Megabowl!


1:30pm - Muskies vs Falcons

3:00pm - Polars vs Wolves


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