SWOLL 2022 Week 3

SWOLL Week 3 in the books!
Game 1 - Bears (2-0) vs Bucks (0-2)
Captain Steve Cooke and his Bears sprinted out to a quick start before the Bucks woke up and clawed back to tie the game early in the 2nd period. The Bucks were battling injuries tonight. Captain Cogs was out with a shoulder injury sustained while suiting up for the SWOLL Knights and top scorer Kent Radbourne was out and took the mantle of Bucks coach tonight.
A strong night from Simon Cox, and Lewis White (as usual) was not enough to come back.
Bears roll to another win. Bringing Captain Steve Cooke's overall record to 13-0!
Game 2 - Falcons (1-1) vs Wolves (1-1)
In game two, the Wolves pulled out to an early lead only to see the Falcons claw back to make it close. This one was definitely a defensive/goaltending battle! Ultimately the birds fell short though and concede second place to the dogs.
Wolf Captain Scott Hummel scored a goal late on with an insurance marker to slow the Falcon momentum. Andy Campbell then potted his 3rd of the night to seal the victory.
Next Week
Every team has played each other once.
7:30pm - The Bucks look to take revenge ono the Wolves from week 1 and to get into the win column while the Wolves hope to keep pace with the first place Bears.
9:00pm - Cambridge Captains will do battle as the Bears and Falcons will do battle as the Bears look to stay undefeated and the Falcons will need to win to make sure the Wolves don't move too far ahead in the standings.